Featured Items
Plaster figurine the fruit seller
$575.00 SOLD -
Plaster figurine the fruit seller
$595.00 SOLD -
Bust of King Richard I
$245.00 SOLD -
Poem books by Rupert Brooke.
$125.00 SOLD -
Poole Pottery Vase
$95.00 SOLD -
Poole Pottery Vase
$55.00 SOLD -
Porcelain Smokers Pipe
$38.00 SOLD -
Post Cards Commemorating 85 Of Years Velvet Soap
$12.00 SOLD -
Post office mail sorting desk
$4,995.00 SOLD -
Prayer mat.
$375.00 SOLD -
Pressed Glass Lidded Butter Dish
$35.00 SOLD -
Pressed Leather Ink Blotter
$85.00 SOLD -
quoits game
$75.00 SOLD -
Salt and pepper shakers
$55.00 SOLD -
Milk jug.
$22.00 SOLD -
Novelty “Good Bye Cruel World” Toilet
$38.00 SOLD